Armed Robbery Reported on Freret and Joseph
Second District Citizens Reminded to Take Precautions to Thwart Auto Theft The NOPD Second District wants to remind citizens to take precautions and secure their vehicles to guard against break-ins and theft.
The Second District has experienced a significant increase in auto thefts and automobile burglaries. In October, 22 vehicles were been reported stolen. Fully half of those vehicles had the keys left in the vehicle. Of the 40 reports of vehicle burglary in this period, 39 showed no sign of forced entry — indicating the vehicles may have been left unsecured.
While arrests have been made in many of these incidents, but it is vital for citizens to properly secure and lock their vehicles. Care should also be taken to hide from plain sight any valuables that may be inside.
Citizens should also remember with some vehicles, if a key fob is within a certain distance of the vehicle, the vehicle will automatically unlock when the door handles are pulled. Car owners should confirm with their auto dealer the safe distance between their fobs and vehicles.
Anyone what sees see any unusual or suspicious activity should notify the police immediately. Stopping crime and keeping our citizens and our property safe means everyone working together, and making smart decisions.
Auto Burglary and Theft Prevention
Vehicle burglaries and thefts are largely avoidable.Here are some tips on how to avoid car break-ins and thefts.
* Lock the doors * Close windows and sunroofs * Don’t leave valuables such as laptops, cell phones, wallets, purses or GPS devices in plain view * Put away the garage door opener and any items with personal information * Move valuables to the trunk before reaching your destination * Don’t leave any keys in the vehicle, including a valet key or a spare key for another vehicle that parks near yours in your garage, driveway, etc. * Park in a well-lighted place whenever possible * Use the emergency brake when parking to make it more difficult for a thief to tow your vehicle away.
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Hurstville Security District | P. O. Box 50836 | New Orleans | LA | 70150