Packages Stolen From From Porch on Chestnut
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ July 6, 2017 NOPD Searching for Suspect in Package Theft on Chestnut Street NEW ORLEANS – The NOPD is seeking information to aid in identifying and locating a suspect caught on video stealing a package from a residence in the 5200 block of Chestnut Street on June 29, 2017. Second District officers responded to the location after the report of a theft. In speaking to the victim, officers learned that the victim had been notified that two packages were delivered to his residence. When he returned to the residence, the packages were not there. The victim reviewed surveillance video at his residence, which showed an unknown black male taking the packages from the front of the residence and fleeing the scene. The suspect is described as a black male riding a dark-colored bicycle. The suspect was last seen wearing a white hat, black shirt, blue jeans, dark-colored shoes and a dark-colored backpack with lighter colored accents. Surveillance video of the incident can be viewed online at https://youtu.be/XwVqqm14zj0 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001yqLRBs6LPkDgPJht6VFPa8GbVvDkCdp1TlrC-lYtCrumbSJtFKzctyguOOED9pFwNzWKK6IeRL-TARvc37PCFUPDuC3Wgl470mvee5gSuOKSf6NMKbxm_HYQzwdDnNsUFl0C9ftLEasI_udVaajBYXNVGSfeU_JNxZ1MRyoA5M2zgxFj5NoFlA==&c=GKJvsTPxjT6Ce4K58I3NitcOtWVJONhFNK7lQr4DlWuv9jhjkxm2kg==&ch=XfazCGIz-tm2hR6ctPaWE-4ngcZaF-1A7EL1NAaXXyZnhouoiUOdXA==]. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact Second District detectives at 504-658-6040. Citizens with information that can help solve crimes are asked to call Crimestoppers at 504-822-1111 or toll-free at 1-877-903-STOP. # # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hurstville Security and Neighborhood Improvment District To reach HSD Officers: Call 504-432-8818 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forward this email ui.constantcontact.com/sa/fwtf.jsp?llr=zk4yu5wab&m=1124162370905&ea=$alerts-cat@hurstvillesecurity.com$&a=1128342229524 This email was sent to alerts-cat@hurstvillesecurity.com by info@hurstvillesecurity.com. Update Profile/Email Address visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&m=001lCDW5PSt-9EETDN87LsbXg%3D%3D&ch=5e863820-6e12-11e6-9476-d4ae529a848a&ca=fafdc2a3-0ee5-4918-b2ce-07b49d08362e Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe(TM) visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&m=001lCDW5PSt-9EETDN87LsbXg%3D%3D&ch=5e863820-6e12-11e6-9476-d4ae529a848a&ca=fafdc2a3-0ee5-4918-b2ce-07b49d08362e Privacy Policy: www.constantcontact.com/legal/service-provider?cc=about-service-provider Online Marketing by Constant Contact(R) www.constantcontact.com Hurstville Security District | P. O. Box 50836 | New Orleans | LA | 70150