A Message from the Hurstville Board of Commissioners
A message from the Hurstville Board:
Dear Neighbors:
Your Hurstville Security and Neighborhood Improvement District Board has been carefully following the city’s crime activity and is working to adjust our patrol efforts to be as efficient as possible within our budgetary constraints. This message is a follow up to the recent neighborhood meeting at the JCC at which we heard from Joe Giarrusso from City Council, Captain Gwin Nolan from NOPD, and Andre Gaudin from the DA’s office.
Escort Service
One question that came up was callers not getting through to an officer on patrol for escort service. If you want this service, please call 504-432-8818. This number goes to an officer on duty. In the event there is no answer, which may occur if the officer who has this phone is handling some matter, please be sure to leave a voicemail. We have patrolling officers working variable hours, however those hours are expected to always include 7pm to 11pm, the time period that most escort requests have been made. Lastly, in the event you would like to follow up on either slow or no response, please email info@hurstvillesecurity.com with any details.
Car Jacking
While last year’s rash of car jackings appears to have abated somewhat, we still consider this threat to be very real. Here are some points from Captain Nolan from our NOPD 2nd District:
- Most of the people involved in these crimes are juveniles looking for guns. Do not leave guns in your car.
- If you believe you are being followed, then before stopping at your house, make the block and check again. To get the best response from NOPD, call 911, not the 2nd District.
- Walk to and from your car with purpose and be aware of your surroundings.
- If threatened by an assailant, give up the car and leave the area immediately.
- Remember as many details as you can regarding the assailants, and call 911.
Black Charger vehicle
Officer Brittany Lacking of the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office is one of our more reliable officers on patrol. She does not have access to a marked car, so she has been using her own. There have been several questions about the identity of this slow moving vehicle, so we had her install flashing blue lights, similar to what the marked cars use. Since this change, we have not heard any concerns from residents.
2nd District NOPD Meetings
In an effort to promote direct engagement between the NOPD and the residents there are two regularly scheduled meetings. The MAX meetings are every Monday at 1:30pm at the 2nd District Station, at 3401 Broadway. The monthly 2nd District NONPACC meetings are held at 6:30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at the 2nd District Station. These meetings are open to the public. For more information, see https://ready.nola.gov/home
For more information see our website: http://hurstvillesecurity.com