Another Good Year in Hurstville
2016 Report to Members
Dear Hurstville Security and Neighborhood Improvement District Resident,
We hope this letter finds you and your family safe and happy this holiday season. We are pleased to once again report that the Hurstville Security and Neighborhood Improvement District (“Hurstville”) continues to be one of the safest neighborhoods in the city. We did however experience some serious incidents of criminal activity this year so, in response, Hurstville added additional patrols in an effort to increase the hours of coverage in order to keep the number of incidents under control.
Our patrol supervisor, retired NOPD Lt. Carl Perillioux, and Louisiana State Probation and Parole Officer David Dean, continually monitor crime trends in the NOPD’s 2nd District and proactively deploy additional officers to protect Hurstville residents and their property. The mix of undercover and marked police units and the continuation of Probation and Parole officers has again proven effective this past year. In addition, all Hurstville patrol officers are equipped with a cell phone and a radio to ensure immediate contact with each other and with Hurstville residents. Additionally, our GPS tracking system provides accountability for each officer on duty.
We are continuing to make available new stickers for your car windshield to be placed near your brake tag so you can keep the Hurstville patrol phone number handy. Please send the office an email at hurstville@bellsouth.net if you would like to request either the Hurstville vehicle decal or telephone sticker with the patrol number. Please do not forget to call the security patrol to meet you when you go to and from your home and remind your family and guests to do the same. Most importantly, please do not forget to remove all of your belongings from your vehicle and lock your car. Many of this year’s incidents were “crimes of opportunity” and are avoidable if only the residents would remember to lock their vehicles. In fact, the NOPD estimates that 9 out of 10 auto burglaries were a result of the car being left unlocked and valuables being left in plain sight.
We would also like to remind you all of how important proper lighting is to crime prevention. Did you know that Entergy New Orleans offers a low-cost program that allows you to purchase an additional street lamp for your property? Several Hurstville residents are taking advantage of this program for as little as $15.00 a month. Installation is free! More information can be found on our website hurstvillesecurity.com/neighborhood-patrol/entergy-security-lights/. Security District Communications Hurstville launched its new website this year. We are able to communicate with our residents through the Hurstville website and post safety/crime email alerts as well. Please contact us at www.hurstvillesecurity.com if you have not been receiving the emails and would like to sign up. All you need to do is log into our website and click Subscribe Now.
2017 Hurstville Fee We are pleased to report that the 2017 fee for the Hurstville Security and Neighborhood Improvement District will remain unchanged at $455 per parcel of land within the district boundaries. Approximately 760 properties are included in this district and more than 72% of the funds raised are allocated to pay for the patrol officers. The other budgeted expenses include communications, administration, insurance and other safety related measures for the area.
HSD Patrol Activity The following chart reflects the crime activity within the Hurstville boundaries compared with the previous years. One carjacking, two armed robberies, and a residential burglary were the most serious offenses that occurred within our boundaries since the start of 2016. It is important to note that our patrol supervisors report that of all six of the vehicular burglaries involved unlocked vehicles.
We Want Your Feedback Your feedback is very important so please feel free to send your comments or concerns via email to hurstville@bellsouth.net. We hope your new year is happy and healthy!
The HSD Board of Commissioners
Brian Klebba – Chairman
Terry Knister – Director
Alan Philipson – Secretary Treasurer
Paul Masinter – Director
Marshall Page – Assist. Secretary Treasurer
Lisa Mills – Director
Karen Herman – Director
Reece Pinney – Director
Ault Hootsell – Director
Hurstville Security and Neighborhood Improvment District To reach HSD Officers: Call 504-432-8818